John is in the bright middle Spirit Orb connected to the orb on the right. His face was very clear to me when I took this photo. I can see his mustache eyebrows and hair, I can also see his favorite dog on the left side of his head the german shepherds ears are on top of John’s head. The German shepherd was black and tan you can see the black outline of the mouth barking.

The left orb on the bottom was our brown mixed shepherd, she died approximately one year before John. The photo was taken outside my house three months after he died. It would be impossible for everything that has happened to me since he crossed to be all a coincidence.
I am truly blessed to have seen so many signs that there is no doubt in my mind that our loved ones are watching over us and protecting us as much as they possibly can.


 Our loved ones still can communicate with us and will go out of their way to show us they are still around and watch over us!

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